Monday, September 12, 2011


A godforsaken word! But one of the truest emotions (from centuries!) till date! I would say, powerful too! So powerful that it could disintegrate what's solid, dissolve what's already fluid and dissipate every essence of what one has. In other words, takes away life, love and luck. The power of revenge comes from truth. One: the truth of the emotion—it's so true that it just oozes out; and two: the truth of the purpose, one will always have a good reason to take revenge or so do I feel.
Revenge gave birth to some of the greatest epics of all times—our very own Mahabharata, the famous battle of Troy and so many more! Well it's all justified then because they sought what they felt was right.
But will revenge have a place, today? Can we really seek what we feel right? How far would one go to take revenge? Hardly—not feasible! Why?—simple, revenge has no place in the world of diplomats!
Revenge has no place in a controlled environment like ours. Revenge is a traitor. It destroys you before you can even use it for an attack. It is a weapon that scrapes the inside of one's mind and body. Well that is what I think! Huh!

Tuesday, December 28, 2010


I ended my previous post with a reference to prioritization. It was very obvious why I did that! If you ask me, “Why do you prolong your task A?”, I have an answer ready at the tip of my tongue, “Well, I was going to do something else before task A because…” and there goes another logically made story. I am sure this is the case with many of us. That’s what I call—Procrastinate for a Purpose!

We all put aside one thing to do another, needless to say, this is prioritization. It’s best to prioritize when you have countless items on your list. (NOTE: A long list means lot of procrastination has gone into making the list longer J) But then, whose priorities are these? Yours? How do you decide the priorities? What’s the first thing on the list? What you need the most or is it the most needed thing? There comes the challenge! Well, sometimes the choice is easy (Of course it’s what I need the most!) But then doesn’t that mean YOU are the priority? I tried pondering over this and I think the mid-way to make prioritization unbiased, is simply to follow your heart.

On some occasions, you will take precedence over anything else. But if you peep a little deeper, you might actually feel that a task that benefits a larger number of people around takes the priority. These tasks carry more weight than your personal tasks. This is my experience: We feel more relaxed and light after we strike off a task that affects a larger number of people as compared to a task that is meant just for yourself.


Procrastination is a thief of time!

Well, is it really? It reminds me of my school days when it was important to know a saying (rather than understand or inculcate it!) Over a time, I have seen many instances of procrastination and the thought process that goes behind procrastinating or prolonging continues to be a mystery. I think it has nothing to do with you as a person. (If you are a regular procrastinator, you might find yourself in the ‘Accused’ box, but trust me, this not my intention!)

Well, here are some of my thoughts: It all boils down to concept of time. For those who made this saying and believe in it, think that time is a finite resource and wasting it is like wasting any other resource! For those who don’t mind procrastinating, believe that there is ample of time and there is no reason for hurry as there will always be ample of time till the world ceases to exist.

Think of this: Why close the tap, keep the water running, it rains every year! While this may be an exaggeration, the case with time is no different. Its 11:00 A.M. today, the clock keeps running as the two clock hands race one after each other and look what happens! Its 11:00 A.M. again! We have yet another day to list down our tasks and look forward to complete them.
I am not sure which school of thoughts is right or wrong and I know that both of them will have a strong justification to support their acts and beliefs.

Now, even if we assume that time is unlimited and what can be now can very well be done after some time or after some days, I wonder whether it is fun to always have a ‘To-Do’ Item on your mind or does it get better to clear off one item from your mental list? I know some might say: The list never ends! Well, yes, it never does, so what? We just keep making it longer than before? How does that help anyway?

I think it is best to clear your mind of mundane tasks so that you have space to think of something new, fresh and larger than before! Even if we were immortal and had all the time in the world, I would still vote against prolonging; there are far too many things in the world that need our attention and procrastination definitely doesn’t seem to be doing anything good!

One question still remains: Are you procrastinating for a purpose? I will try to put my thoughts together on prioritizing in another post :)